Occasionally the approved amount for a reimbursement claim may be different than the amount you've requested. These are common reasons why — but please note that this list doesn’t cover all possibilities.
- The claim amount was more than your available balance
If the claim was approved, you’ll be reimbursed the entire available balance. If your claim was for more than balance, or your available balance was spent down before the claim was approved, the amount reimbursed will be less than the amount claimed.
Your employer might allow reimbursement plans so you can receive the full amount. Check your employer’s policy for details.
- Some of the transaction wasn’t eligible
When reviewing the receipt attached to the claim, we compare the amount claimed to each line item on the receipt. If some items aren’t eligible under your company's policy, only the amount spent on eligible items will be reimbursed.
For example, let's say you spent $50 at your gym on a $40 monthly membership and a $10 towel service, and submitted a claim for $50 with the receipt attached.
If a gym membership is eligible under your employer’s policy, but towel service isn’t, you’ll be reimbursed $40.
- Currency adjustment (only applies to employers that allow international transactions)
If you make a purchase in a country other than the one you live in, you may be required to convert the total amount to your local currency, otherwise the amount will be adjusted based on the current currency conversion rate. For more information, please reach out to the Forma Support team at support@joinforma.com.