🚨 December, January, and February are the busiest months here at Forma.
- Responses can be delayed up to 72 hours/3 business days for both messaging and email through February.
- When reaching out, please be sure to include all questions and information. This will help us assist you quickly once your ticket is handled. The more information the better! But do remember lots of answers to common questions can be found within our Knowledge Base.
Reach out only once to avoid any delays. More than one inquiry restarts your wait time.
- Check out our Best Practices for Pretax Accounts and Best Practices for Employed Sponsored Posttax Accounts to help answer some FAQs!
Forma’s friendly Customer Support Team is available 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. There are two methods to reach us!
Forma Messaging
When logged in to your Forma account, you'll notice a circular button hovering in the lower right hand corner of the screen that looks like this . Click the button to bring up the search box.
Begin typing a message to the Ben E Fitz Virtual Assistant Bot. He will provide articles that may help with your question. If you still need assistance after reviewing the descriptions of the presented articles, let Ben E Fitz know you haven’t found what you’re looking for and he will connect you with an agent.
If you would like Forma Messaging to use your personal email address, rather than your work email, please enter your personal email address in the "Email" field, as shown in the screenshot below.
You can also reach us by emailing our Support Team at support@joinforma.com
If you would like to have the email thread under your personal email address, rather than your work email, please email Forma Support from your personal email address. If you have a pre-tax account, email Forma Support from the same personal email address that you have on file in your company's HR system.