There are three ways to log in to your Forma account, depending on the settings enabled by your employer.
Log in using Single Sign-on (SSO)
- Navigate to and click “Sign in”
- Enter the email address associated with your Forma account and click “Next”
- Follow the SSO prompts. These will vary based on your company's SSO provider
Even with SSO enabled, you can still access Forma without using SSO, as long as you have access to the email address associated with your Forma account (typically your work email).
Log in using Magic Link
The Magic Link option allows you to receive an email with a unique, one-time link for direct login. This must be requested each time and you will need to have access to your work email on the device you're using to log in.
Important: Each Magic Link expires 10 minutes after being requested.
- Navigate to and click “Get Magic Link”
- Enter the email address associated with your Forma account and click “Next”
- Locate the “Use this link to log in to Forma” email sent by Forma
- Open the email and click “Log in to Forma”
Log in using your email and password
Create a new password
Once you've activated your Forma account, you can set up a password for log in. To set up a password, follow these steps:
- Navigate to, and click “Get Magic Link”
- Enter the email address associated with your Forma account and click “Next”
- Where it says “Have a password?”, select “Log in here”
- Underneath the button, select “Reset here”
- Enter your email address to receive an email from Forma with the subject line “Action needed: Reset Forma Password”
- Open that email and select “Set a new password”
- Enter and confirm your new password and select “Update password”
Important: You’ll receive two emails from Forma by following these steps. The first is an email with a subject line “Use this link to log into Forma”—this email contains a Magic Link you can use to log in without a password. The second email has a subject line “Action needed: Reset Forma password”. Use this email to reset your password.
Log in with an existing password
If you already have a password, follow these steps to log in:
- Navigate to, and click “Get Magic Link”
- Enter the email address associated with your Forma account and click “Next”
- Where it says “Have a password?”, select “Log in here”
- Enter your password and click “Log in”