When you reimburse yourself, Forma does not ask for a receipt to verify the withdrawal and will reimburse the amount you request. It is the account owner's responsibility to ensure that the item or service being reimbursed is eligible under the HSA plan and follows IRS guidelines. If you'd like to upload a receipt for record-keeping purposes, refer to the article Can I save my HSA receipts in Forma?
Please note that you must link your bank account prior to reimbursing yourself from your HSA. Forma does not issue paper checks for HSA reimbursements.
Follow the steps below to reimburse yourself after making HSA-eligible purchases out-of-pocket:
- Log in to your Forma account
- Select “Benefits” from the menu at the top of the screen
- Select your HSA
- Open the “Manage HSA” dropdown and then select “Reimburse myself”
- Enter the required information
- Select “Save and continue”
- Review the details and select “Confirm & submit”
- Confirm funds for reimbursement
7. Select “Confirm & submit”