This feature currently has limited availability.
Some Forma accounts require your manager to pre-approve an upcoming expense prior to submitting a claim. This process is used to ensure that a given expense aligns with your company policies.
To submit a pre-approval request to your manager, follow the steps below:
- Log into your Forma account and select “Benefits”
- Select the appropriate account
- Select “New Request”
- Under “New request” select "Course or Program"
- Complete the following information on the form:
- School or platform - where the course will be taken
- Amount - cost of the course
- Start date - when the course will begin
- Select a goal from the provided list
- Describe how the course will help you with your goal
- Upload additional supporting documentation (optional)
- Select “Submit request” to send to your manager for approval
You will receive an email confirmation that the request has been successfully sent to your manager.
Once a decision has been made, you will receive one of two emails:
- An approval email
- Or a rejection email listing the reason why the request was not approved.
You can also view the status of your requests from your Forma account
If your request is approved, you’ve completed the course, and are ready to file a claim for reimbursement, follow the steps below:
- Log into your Forma account and select “Benefits”
- Select the account you requested the pre-approval under
- Select “Requests”
- Under “All Requests” select “View details”
- At the bottom of the page, select “File a claim for this request”
- You will be taken to the “Claims” section of your account to file a claim for the pre-approved expense. Please note that only one claim can be submitted per pre-approval request. If the approved expense is less than the original requested amount, the remaining funds will be returned to your 'available to request' balance.