Yes! Forma will work with your employer to transfer any funds from your transit or parking accounts directly over to your Forma transit or parking accounts.
What do I need to do?
No action needed! You'll see the funds show up automatically once the transfer process is complete. Forma will process the transfer as soon as your previous administrator provides us with the remaining balance.
How does this affect my Forma Commuter benefit?
The transfer process has no effect on your new Forma Transit and Parking accounts. You can continue to use your commuter accounts at any time as funds become available.
What if I didn’t enroll in any commuter benefits for the new plan year?
Your Commuter benefit balance doesn’t expire unless you leave your company. Even if you don’t enroll in commuter benefits for the new plan year, your balance from the previous administrator can still be transferred to Forma. We’ll automatically create a new Forma Commuter benefit for you.
Please note that your employer may have minimum balance requirements in order to transfer your balance to Forma.
If you have any questions, please contact the Forma Support team via chat or email at